Silver Cloisonne Ornamental Silver Knife Norigae > TRADITIONAL | Cloisoo


A beautiful work that reinterprets Korean traditional cloisonné
and captures the contemporary sensation

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    'Bestowing sacredness and happiness upon your garment.'

    Since ancient times, the silver knife (euijangdo) 

    has been a symbol of integrity, used to signify noble status.

    This reborn nori-gae, adorned with the colors of cloisoo, 

    aligns with the image of a dignified woman, 

    infusing traditional elegance with a modern aesthetic.


  • NAMJUNG Cloisonne Co.,Ltd. Tel. +82.52-274-8899 CEO : Kim Hong-beom Business Number : 610-81-58405 Address: 22-1, Beonyeong-ro 124beon-gil, Nam-gu, Ulsan (1269-9, Dal-dong) 2020 cloisoo. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED