Silver Cloisonne Love Norigae > TRADITIONAL | Cloisoo


A beautiful work that reinterprets Korean traditional cloisonné
and captures the contemporary sensation

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    The beauty of Korean traditional crafts is 

    reborn in the hands of Cloisoo.

    The Love Nori-gae, hoping to always accompany you 

    with love, features a variety of heart patterns. 

    It symbolizes infinite love, capturing pure affection 

    from the depths of the heart through the hues of cloisonné.465eecc5d444a99884ba7482673f4592_1704175524_5088.jpg

  • NAMJUNG Cloisonne Co.,Ltd. Tel. +82.52-274-8899 CEO : Kim Hong-beom Business Number : 610-81-58405 Address: 22-1, Beonyeong-ro 124beon-gil, Nam-gu, Ulsan (1269-9, Dal-dong) 2020 cloisoo. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED